Thursday, November 21, 2013

Projections of South America- exercise 3

dorndd_exercise3 by DakotaDorn
dorndd_exercise3, a photo by DakotaDorn on Flickr.

To complete this assignment I was to overlay ten different projections of South America on top of each other.  By doing this one would be able to see the different type of distortion each projection shows.  All projections had to be positioned so that 60° W was there central meridian.  Using ArcGis to make the projection and then cutting away the other locations on the globe I was able to then paste the outline of South America into an Adobe Illustrator document.  After repeating this process for each projection and changing the colors of each outline I got the above image.  This project was tough in some ways while I was completing it.  The first is that it is crucial that when changing the meridians you followed the directions exactly.  Another difficulty with this project was finding ten colors that allowed you to see all of the projections.  I had a lot of fun with this assignment and it was a good intro into ArcGis.

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